
  Happy Customer Testimonials

  (since 7/3/2008)

Life Alert came to my rescue when I dislocated my hip. They were so good to me and did everything professionally. I definitely recommend them.


I pressed my Life Alert pendant when I fell in the kitchen and was unable to get up. The [dispatcher] answered and within minutes my family had arrived to get me off the floor. The [dispatcher] was very friendly and courteous.


My 97-year-old mother fell in the kitchen and pushed her Life Alert pendant. The [dispatcher] answered immediately and sent for paramedics who took her to the ER. The [dispatcher] contacted my brother and I and kept us notified of everything. A truly outstanding service, thank you.


Mom fell asleep in her recliner and at 2 in the morning was unable to get up. She pressed her Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] immediately called for emergency services and notified me. She was attended by EMT’s and taken to the hospital.


My mother was home by herself and fell on the floor. She pressed her Life Alert pendant but wasn’t able to speak. The Life Alert [dispatcher] called me and said they were sending an ambulance. Life Alert was vital for saving her life, thank you!


It is comforting to know Life Alert stayed on the line with my grandpa until paramedics arrived. We also appreciated the follow up calls ensuring that everything was ok, thank you.


I have COPD and was having trouble breathing. I called Life Alert and a [dispatcher] answered and stayed on the line until paramedics arrived. The [dispatcher] was courteous and kind, thank you for taking care of me.


I was feeling weak after recently being diagnosed with neuropathy. On my way up from the basement I wasn’t able to make it up the last step. I dropped what I was holding and fell backwards down the stairs. I wasn’t able to get myself up so I pressed my Life Alert pendant. Within minutes paramedics had arrived to help me up. I am so thankful for Life Alert!


I fell in my bedroom and hit my head on my bed frame. Due to the amount of blood, I knew I needed to get to the Emergency Room. Pressing my Life Alert pendant was easier than trying to crawl to my phone. The [dispatcher] answered and got me the help I needed and contacted my family.


I lost my balance and fell in the kitchen, breaking my shoulder. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] answered immediately. If it were not for Life Alert, I might still be on the floor.


My blood pressure was extremely elevated and I wasn’t feeling well so I pressed my Life Alert pendant. The [dispatcher] quickly answered, contacted EMS, and stayed on the line until they arrived. I’m pleased to have Life Alert and recommend the service to people all the time.


I fell to the floor and was unable to get up due to a recent knee surgery. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and immediately a dispatcher answered and stayed on the line with me while the ambulance was on its way. 2 EMT’s arrived who helped me up.


I suffer from a lung condition and woke up unable to breathe and feeling pain like I have never experienced before. I was terrified so I pressed my Life Alert pendant. The [dispatcher] was professional, compassionate, and assured me help was on the way. It made me feel safe the was the [dispatcher] stayed on the line until the ambulance arrived.


I fell down the steps of my porch and was unable to get myself up due to having 2 knee replacements. With metal in both my knees, it was just too painful. I called Life Alert and the [dispatcher] called the fire department near my home. 3 firefighters came and helped me up, I was not injured.


I have congestive heart failure and one morning I was having chest pain and pain in my left arm. My husband saw how anxious I was and pressed my Life Alert pendant. The [dispatcher] answered in seconds and stayed on the line until paramedics arrived. Thank you, Life Alert!


I was having chest pains and pressed my Life Alert pendant. A [dispatcher] answered immediately and called emergency services. The [dispatcher] stayed on the line until EMT’s arrived and that was very comforting.


My mom fell in her bedroom and needed help getting back up. She called [Life Alert] who contacted emergency services. Life Alert stayed on the line until she was safely back on her feet. The [dispatcher] made sure she wasn’t injured; Life Alert is a great comfort for my mom and I.


I was having a bad reaction to my medication so I called my doctor who advised that I call Life Alert to transport me to the ER. The [dispatcher] was very helpful, made the call, and stayed on the line until help arrived.


I was going down the stairs to my basement when I fell forward and landed on the cement floor. I hit my head on the floor but still had use of my hands. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] told me help was on the way. Life Alert was efficient and helped me get up and within minutes I was walking again.


I had a stroke in my kitchen while cooking and fell to the floor. I had just enough strength to push my Life Alert pendant. The [dispatcher] notified the first person on my contact list who arrived shortly to put out a fire that had started in the kitchen. Emergency services then arrived and told me Life Alert saved my life.


I received my Life Alert and became ill the very next day. I was feeling worse as the day went on and began to feel like I was going to faint. I pressed my pendant and was immediately connected to a dispatcher who got an ambulance to take me to my local hospital. I live alone and it was truly a blessing I got my Life Alert the day before.


My husband woke up wheezing with every move and began to feel pain in his chest. I pressed his pendant and soon emergency services arrived and took him to the hospital.


I fell in my kitchen and broke several ribs. I was unable to move and I couldn’t get to a phone. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and paramedics arrived shortly to take me to the hospital. I can’t even begin to imagine the outcome if I didn’t have Life Alert. Thank you!


My mother fell out of her bed in the middle of the night and hit her head on a chair. I pressed her Life Alert pendant and tended to her while explaining the situation to the dispatcher. Local paramedics were notified and sent to my house quickly. I am very happy we chose Life Alert and will be renewing soon!


At 90 years old my legs and arms are very weak. When I sat down in my new bathtub with support bars, I was unable to get myself up. After trying over and over for 4 hours, I finally called Life Alert. The [dispatcher] got me help and I was so grateful! I always wear my pendant.


I was having a heart attack without even realizing it. No real pain of any kind, I was just feeling really bad. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] called emergency services and I was airlifted to the hospital for emergency surgery. I have survived only because I was wearing my Life Alert pendant.


I was having gastrointestinal issues after fasting all day for Ash Wednesday. The pain was so severe after eating dinner. While walking to my bedroom I fainted just as I pressed my Life Alert pendant. The Dispatcher called for an ambulance and notified my daughter and stayed on the line until I regained consciousness.


An intruder entered my house through the basement door. When I heard her coming up the stairs, I pressed my Life Alert pendant and police were on the way. [The intruder] then entered my kitchen and tried to attack me but 4 police cars had arrived.


I woke up with shortness of breath and pressed my Life Alert pendant. The dispatcher answered immediately and stayed on the line until an ambulance arrived. Very professional and courteous, I highly recommend Life Alert!


I was having dizzy spells and started feeling light-headed. When it didn’t get better, I called Life Alert because I live alone. The [dispatcher] responded so fast and was very kind. I can only say nice things about [Life Alert].


My dad had a heart attack while I happened to be with him. As panicked as I was, I managed to get a hold of Life Alert and they got help here right away. Dad is ok now thanks to you!


I fell out of bed and was unable to get up. There was no electricity, no phone, and no internet. This was during a storm with high winds and flooding. I pushed the Help Button and the Life Alert [dispatcher] contacted emergency services who helped me back up.


My foot slipped while getting out of my walk-in shower and I crashed face first into a cabinet. Thankfully no broken bones, just a few stitches. All is well now thanks to Life Alert The [dispatcher] got me an ambulance quickly and notified my son.


I took a hard fall just two days after getting my Life Alert system installed. I pressed my Help Button and a very friendly voice responded. My emergency contacts were notified and then emergency services arrived a few minutes later.


The Life Alert [dispatcher] was very courteous, helpful, and calming to me. They stayed on the line until the ambulance arrived. Thank you so much for your excellent service!


Life Alert responded very quick, sent paramedics, and called everyone on my contact list. The response time is immediate and the [dispatcher] was kind and helpful. I can always count on [Life Alert] to make me feel safer. Thank you!


My husband fell while getting out of his chair. I wasn’t able to help him up so I pressed his pendant. The [dispatcher] contacted EMT’s who were here and helped me up in minutes. We are so grateful for Life Alert, worth every penny!


I lost my balance and fell onto the pavement, breaking my right arm. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and someone answered within seconds. The [dispatcher] notified emergency services who arrived in less than 10 minutes.


I felt faint so I sat down on a chair, next thing I knew I was on the floor bleeding from a cut over my eye and unable to get myself up. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] told me help was on the way. When I got to the hospital, I was told I had broken my neck in the fall. I live alone and Life Alert saved my life!


Life Alert responded very quick, sent paramedics, and called everyone on my contact list. The response time is immediate and the [dispatcher] was kind and helpful. I can always count on [Life Alert] to make me feel safer. Thank you!


My husband fell while getting out of his chair. I wasn’t able to help him up so I pressed his pendant. The [dispatcher] contacted EMT’s who were here and helped me up in minutes. We are so grateful for Life Alert, worth every penny!


I lost my balance and fell onto the pavement, breaking my right arm. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and someone answered within seconds. The [dispatcher] notified emergency services who arrived in less than 10 minutes.


I am on an IV drip for medication due to my condition when my IV bag ran out. Without my medication my blood pressure drops dangerously low. I was unable to get in touch with my hospital because they weren’t answering my call. I pressed my Life Alert pendant and the [dispatcher] got me help.


I was in my bedroom getting ready for church when, somehow, I locked myself in my own bedroom and the lock was on the outside of the door. I began to panic but I remembered I was wearing my Life Alert pendant. I pressed it, explained what happened, and help arrived quickly to get me out.


My mom was experiencing sharp back pain and was unable to get out of bed or reach her phone. She pressed her pendant and the [Life Alert dispatcher] got her help within minutes. She was transported to the hospital and is doing well now.


I stumbled on the door frame and fell, hitting my head hard enough to require 8 staples to close. The Life Alert [dispatcher] notified emergency services who transported me to the local hospital. I am very fortunate to have Life Alert as my children do not live close to me. I depend on Life Alert for help when I need it.


I was only planning to be out for the day but started having car trouble just as a storm began to roll in. I was stuck without an extra oxygen tank and only had 1 with me. I was going to have to stay the night due to my car not working and began to panic due to not having any extra oxygen tanks. I pressed my Help Pendant and Life Alert found my location and sent for help.


My husband became pale and weak when going to put out the trash at the end of the road. His blood pressure was extremely low and he has a history of heart attacks. I quickly pressed my Life Alert pendant and a [dispatcher] contacted paramedics and stayed on the line with me until they arrived.


I fell off my chair without even realizing it. I woke up on the floor in the dark and struggled trying to get back on my feet. After being unable to get back up, I pressed my Life Alert pendant. The Life Alert [dispatcher] was very helpful and kept me informed. Emergency services got here in minutes and helped me back up.


I fell and was planning to wait for my wife to return home. When I realized my wife was not returning any time soon, I pressed my Life Alert pendant. The [dispatcher] contacted EMT’s and provided them with the key code to get into the garage. I am very glad to have Life Alert because I am never really alone.

Life Alert® is a registered trademark of Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc.
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