
  Happy Customer Testimonials

  (since 7/3/2008)

I took a fall trying to get to the restroom and I could not get up on my own. Thank goodness I had my Life Alert necklace on. I pushed the button and spoke with the Life Alert team, who sent the ambulance. My daughter insisted that I get Life Alert for this exact reason and I’m so glad she did! I highly recommend Life Alert and I don’t worry anymore!


When we needed medical support, we pushed our button and Life Alert immediately responded. They stayed on the line with us until medical help arrived. They also notified our family about what happened. Its reassuring to know that if we need assistance, all we have to do is push a button and someone is there to support us.


I had fallen and could not get up, bad knees. [Life Alert] staff came on immediately and the person was very comforting and was with me while waiting for the firetruck, and firemen were here shortly after call and they also were very good. I was in good hands all around, thank you!


I guess the only good thing about falling down is how good Life Alert works. Yes, I would recommend to my friends due to how well I was treated. Good job, thank you!


I contacted Life Alert 2 am one morning, knowing my son and daughter would not notice my call before morning. I had much back/hip pain. Life Alert answered immediately and an ambulance was there within 45 minutes! Amazing response and care to local emergency room. They somehow got a hold of my daughter and she quickly headed to the hospital and was there with me all night! I have no complaints and highly recommend Life Alert!


I had been feeling bad for 3 days, but no symptoms of Pneumonia. I was so weak that I was unable to stand up. I called [Life Alert] and an ambulance came and they had to carry me out of my house. I was admitted to the hospital and diagnosed with Pneumonia. Remained in the hospital for 5 days. I live by myself, so thank God for your prompt service!


Mis stepped and fell in the sunroom, unable to get up even with sitter. [Life Alert] sent help to get me into a standing position quickly. Was not injured, however your personnel made a difficult experience easy, even calling later to see if all was well.


Mother fell, hitting her head and breaking her hip. She was transported to the hospital by the ambulance Life Alert called. I met the ambulance at her home because Life Alert promptly called me. This could have been a terrible experience if mother had not had Life Alert, maybe even life threatening. We are so grateful for Life Alert!


Life Alert was contacted for pain in my chest. Ambulance arrived very quickly - within minutes – police and fire department arrived shortly after. Life Alert contact family and kept them notified as situations changed. Thank you for being there Life Alert!


I recently had a very hard fall on my bathroom floor. I pushed my Life Alert button and an ambulance arrived quickly! [The dispatcher] stayed on the speaker until the ambulance arrived! I recommend Life Alert to ALL my friends. They provide a wonderful service!


Every time that I have had to use Life Alert, they were kind and courteous to me. I would recommend them to anyone and everyone! Thank God for Life Alert!


I awoke in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. When I got up, I felt dizzy and the room spun as if I was about to faint and I lost my balance. I pressed my [Life Alert] pendant and immediately heard a voice calling my children and saying that help was on the way several times. Two medics arrived, got me up off the floor, took my vital signs, and offered to take me to the hospital but determined that that was not necessary. They were great!


He got dizzy, fell, hit the button and [Life Alert] sent the EMT. They had the correct instructions and directions. [Life Alert] then called me and my wife and I responded in 20 minutes to find out the EMT’s were already in the house and assessing him for injury. It worked well! Good job Life Alert people!


My elderly father slipped out of bed. He didn’t fall he said, he slipped and pressed his button and Life Alert immediately called me. I got to him in about 3 minutes and called my husband to help me pick him up and have him stand up. We checked him out and he was fine. Your Life Alert agent stayed on the line and made sure all was ok!


I fell in my garage and my Life Alert button still worked. One of my neighbors went into where my machine was and talked with the agent. No problems were incurred and aide was sent. This has proven to be such an aide for me.


Mom tried to walk back to her chair in the living room from her bedroom without her walker. She just so happened to fall in the hallway by her chair where the [Life Alert machine] sat on the table by the chair. She pushed the Life Alert button and it really did its job. I would recommend it to other people. I believe it saved her life that night.


Life Alert has saved my dad countless times. If he did not have Life Alert, I don’t know what would have happened! We highly, highly recommend to everyone we know, especially if someone is living alone for extended periods of time. It really gives us peace of mind!


I fell and couldn’t get up. I pressed my [Life Alert] alarm pendant and was contacted right away. Since I was in another part of the house, they couldn’t hear me yelling for help. They put in an EMS call immediately! The EMS people were very helpful and got me up. This service is indeed lifesaving!


My father wears his [Life Alert] lanyard alarm daily and during the few times he has fallen, the Life Alert team and process has been a successful, positive one. Thank you for giving him (and us!) the peace of mind to know that help is just a call away when the situation demands it.


I was unable to walk holding my head up. I had not been feeling well for several months, so I pushed my Life Alert button to call for help. Help arrived very quickly and I told the EMT’s I needed to go to the hospital. I spent weeks in the hospital and then rehab. Life Alert was a Godsend. Have also fallen several timed and needed help getting up.


I was trying to prepare a blow-up bed for a visit from my grandson. It looked like it was inflated but when I sat down on it, it sank and was so low that I couldn’t get back up. I tried repeatedly to get up but couldn’t so I had to call [Life Alert] for help. They arrived and were strong enough to life me up. I was very grateful for their help!


I used my Life Alert contact button on my necklace. I was using a walker in the kitchen when I fell. Life Alert staff was courteous and gave excellent service. Thank you guys so much for looking out for me. God bless you all!


Upon falling, I pressed the Life Alert button and almost immediately someone responded. He asked me a couple of questions and proceeded to call my in-house contact person and the fire department/paramedics, who arrived shortly.


I could not have been more satisfied with my experiences with Life Alert- they more than likely saved my life. I wouldn’t be without it!


My daughter was home alone when she fell ill and fainted. She hit her head but awoke to find herself unable to stand. She crawled to the Life Alert unit and pushed the button for help. There was an immediate response and the local fire department and EMT’s came to her rescue. Thank you!


I fell out of bed, was on the floor. Because of bad knees, I could not get up. I used my [Life Alert] button – I pressed it and got immediate help and rescue quickly arrived. Thank you Life Alert!


The attendants were very prompt!!! Life Alert personnel were very attentive, gentle and kind. I would recommend anyone to get this device. It just might save your life!!


If it wasn’t for Life Alert, I would have stayed on the floor until my wife came home from work. I’ve had several falls and 1 medical emergency and each time Life Alert has been wonderful. Thank you!!


At 3:00 AM, I did not feel well and immediately pressed my Life Alert. The dispatcher stayed on the line the whole time and was very calm. The paramedics came in under 10 minutes and took me to the hospital as I had had a heart attack. I truly believe this service saved my life.


Mom must have had a massive heart attack but before she went out, she pressed her Life Alert and you guys did your job and called emergency personnel. By the time I received my call, help was already there!


I was sitting in my car and reached into the back seat and dislocated my hip. I had my Life Alert device in my car so I was able to call for help. An ambulance was sent immediately!


I was in my house cleaning, and putting things away after Christmas. I lost my balance and fell and couldn’t get up. So, I had my Life Alert, pressed the button, and they were here fast! They were very courteous and helpful. Thank you.


I have had more than one experience with Life Alert. Each experience was excellent. They answered my call immediately. They stayed on the alert system with me. They informed me that medics had been called. They told me the medics were on their way. They stayed on the alert system with me until the medics arrived. They calmed me when I was alone, that was very important.


I fell and needed help getting up off the floor. [Life Alert] was very helpful and efficient and very pleasant. Thank you.


The best money I’ve ever spent is for Life Alert. They’re always quick to respond, courteous, and patient. If you live alone, Life Alert is a must. Thanks to the whole team.


I didn’t think I would use my Life Alert but I’m glad I listened to my doctor and did in fact get it. I have used it 4 times in an emergency and most definitely had to go to the ER. One broken rib on my left and on another occasion, one broken rib on my right with 11 stitches on my face!


Worked like a charm! I have paid for the [Life Alert] service for 15 years, it is worth every penny. It was so reassuring to hear a voice. They took care of me and my two little dogs, plus expert care for our local emergency teams. Thank you for being there.


My husband fell, and I could not get him up. Life Alert contacted medical emergency and within 10 minutes we were helped. Both of our contacts were called and notified of our problem. Then they were both called back to let them know that everything was OK. Thanks Life Alert.


I tripped and fell in a bedroom and couldn’t get up. [Life Alert] help arrived within 10 minutes. They were polite, identified themselves and helped me up. I answered their questions. They took my vitals to make sure I did not need to go to the hospital. They gave me good advice and went on their way. Life Alert treated me very well. Thank you.


My father broke his hip, which made him fall and could not get up. He pushed his Life Alert necklace and he was so far away from the speaker that the staff called an ambulance right away and called family. Ambulance showed up fast and my dad was well taken care of!


Response was extremely fast and made me feel safe. Also, I have recommended Life Alert to anyone I talk to (I feel so much more safe in having Life Alert.) I tell people “you should never be without it!”


I fell outside. [Life Alert] came and helped me out. They called my family right away to let them know I was ok and that the ambulance was with me, checking me out. They were all nice and friendly.


I fell 3 times last year and Life Alert was there and helped me up and took my vital signs. It was a relief to have Life Alert there. Thank you to all at Life Alert!


My grandpa had several falls. Life Alert was helpful in assisting with contacting 911 for us. The phone calls to update immediate family were timely and helpful.


First time I have used your help and services. I am 87-years-old, live in an age restricted community where most neighbors are around my age. At 4:30 am this particular night, my smoke alarms started to beep. Climbing a ladder was out of the question. So, I pressed my [Life Alert] button, the lady I spoke with was very pleasant and helpful. She had me check all the rooms safely, and to wait outside. Within minutes, the fire department were with me to help. Thank you.


Life Alert contacted my daughter so that she could come and help me and Life Alert would stay on the phone to see if they needed to send the ambulance. I always felt better knowing that all I had to do was mash my button and I knew help was on the way.


After a fall, Life Alert was very helpful and help arrived fast. Also received update calls with progress reports.


My mother fell and broke her pelvis at 5 am. By 5:45am, she was already on her way to the hospital. First, family members were notified by 5:15am. My mother at the age of 95 still lives on her own. Life Alert is a godsend!


It’s amazing how fast I got help after I pushed my Life Alert button. Life Alert makes certain the paramedics can get into your home. Life Alert calls all your family members!... I feel it is so worth it, because it is so reliable!


I have fallen a handful of times at home over the last few years and Life Alert has contacted the paramedics to come help me get up or take me to the hospital of my choice. I live alone and could not have made it out of these dilemmas without Life Alert. I would not want to be without Life Alert.

Life Alert® is a registered trademark of Life Alert Emergency Response, Inc.
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All Rights Reserved.